
Showing posts from March, 2017

"Everyone is a F**king Napoleon" - Ani Difranco - My recommendations

Hello, this is the first installment of my attempt to organize and share my favorite songs, especially those that are  lesser-known.   I´ve started with Ani DiFranco because alphabetically it makes sense and Ani is one of those artists that has a huge body of work.    If you are a new fan where do you start?   Well, my favorite songs come from around the time of the albums Imperfectly, Not A Pretty Girl, Out of Range, Dilate and Little Plastic Castles., so basically the 90´s.   She has released a lot more stuff since then and I´ve tried to listen to all of it but none of the newer stuff has resonated with me as much as these older albums.   Specifically,  I am going to start by recommending one of my all-time   favorite Ani song´s, Fuel.  It is from Ani´s 8th studio album Little Plastic Castles which came out in 1998.     The title track from this album is also a personal favorite. Moving on to Ani´s prior album Dilate the song Napolean stands out.   Thi