"Everyone is a F**king Napoleon" - Ani Difranco - My recommendations

Hello, this is the first installment of my attempt to organize and share my favorite songs, especially those that are  lesser-known.   I´ve started with Ani DiFranco because alphabetically it makes sense and Ani is one of those artists that has a huge body of work.    If you are a new fan where do you start?   Well, my favorite songs come from around the time of the albums Imperfectly, Not A Pretty Girl, Out of Range, Dilate and Little Plastic Castles., so basically the 90´s.   She has released a lot more stuff since then and I´ve tried to listen to all of it but none of the newer stuff has resonated with me as much as these older albums.   Specifically,  I am going to start by recommending one of my all-time   favorite Ani song´s, Fuel.  It is from Ani´s 8th studio album Little Plastic Castles which came out in 1998.


  The title track from this album is also a personal favorite.

Moving on to Ani´s prior album Dilate the song Napolean stands out.   This song was never going to be a radio hit with the chorus "Everyone is a fuckin´  Napoleon" but it is catchy and I really agree with the idea that people just love to be dictators if given half a chance. It also tells the story of a musician who is trying to become commercially successful and the whole idea of selling out in the music industry.  

Dilate´s opening track is "Untouchable Face" which is another F-Bomb laden song with "Fuck you and your untouchable face." being repeated I don´t know how many times.  It  really connects with all of us normal-looking people who have felt this way at one time or another when in contact with those we see as  "beautiful people".   

Moving on (backwards) to 1995´s Not A Pretty Girl the song which makes my playlist is 32 Flavors about the idea that each person is not just one thing but this awesome mix of stuff.  

In 1994 Out of Range came out.   It contains the title track in both an electric and and acoustic version and it´s hard for me to say which I like better.   It´s an awesome song so it doesn´t really matter.

Puddle dive came out in 1993.   The song Pick Yer Nose is the song I would recommend from this album.  "I think shy is boring.   I think depressed is too." she sings. 

The last song I would like people to hear by Ani DiFranco is "What If No One´s Watching" from the album Imperfectly (1992).   This is a beautiful song that asks the musical question "What if there really is no superbeing observing our every move?"    It makes me think about my own life, what I´m choosing to do and why I´m doing it.   

So there you have it, my favorite Ani DiFranco songs and IMHO a great introduction to this wonderfully quirky and prolific artist.   



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