Stick Figure - Set in Stone
Set in Stone (2015) by Stick Figure (Bandcamp album link) Wow. Bandcamp has this thing where they show the albums/songs that are being bought in real time on their home page and I was just watching the albums slide by and I saw Stick Figure. I liked the name and the album art so I gave them a shot. Well praise the gods for helping me discover these guys. Actually it looks like this is more of a one-man project as the blurb on Bandcamp says: "From the musical imagination of Scott Woodruff emerges a vibrant sonic soundscape, revealed in the newest Stick Figure release, Set in Stone. As with his previous releases, Set in Stone was written, produced and recorded and mixed by Woodruff, a self-taught musician." That is my kind of guy. Another thing that I like is the fact that the lyrics are quite intelligible, intelligent and included in written form on Bandcamp as well. Now the beats here are of the reggae style...