Dawes - 12 Best Songs

Here is a link to a Paste Music article about the top 12 Dawes´ songs.     However, I strongly disagree with their selection of the number 1 song.   For me, far and away, the best Dawes´  song is If I Wanted Someone.   The lyrics are clear and easy to understand.   This song reminds me a bit of Neil Young´s A Man Needs A Maid with the line: "If I wanted someone to clean me up I´d find myself a maid."  However, my favorite line has to be: "But, the only times I am lonely is when others are around / I just never end up knowing what to say"   Been there, felt that.    That being said, the speaker goes on to say:"I want you to make the days move easy." so even though the speaker has problems being with people he still believes that he can find someone who will make his life better.    Another favorite line in this song is "we need words to be put to what we do not understand."  And this is very true for me.   Many times the simple act of putting something into words helps me understand it or at least better understand my feelings about it.    Anyway, I don´t like philosophizing too much about songs.   Everybody has their own interpretation and that´s great.    As always, if you know of any other cool songs by this artist, or someone similar, I would appreciate your input.



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