Porches - Rib Cage
I mention Bandcamp a lot in my posts because most of the new music that I come across is thanks to their ¨Discover¨ page which I sort through on a regular basis. But today on Bandcamp I got a little help from Mary-Kate Frett and her collection of songs. The group is Porches and the songs are mostly, kinda slow and wistful with a certain charm that I find hard to describe. In some ways it reminds me of Prefab Sprout meets Radiohead. Anyway, you can decide for yourself. Here are a couple of recommended tracks to start with:
The first song that I heard by Porches, the one that caught my attentions was Rib Cage (Bandcamp link). It's off the album Summer of Ten which came out in 2011.

Here is a song with a little more electronic feel to it, Anymore. It;s off the album The House from 2018.
So I hope you enjoy this music. Please let me know if you find a favorite song. I need your help because there is so much stuff out there I just don't have time to listen to it all.
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