Devon Welsh - Dream Songs

A few minutes ago I had no idea who Devon Welsh was but after hearing the first line to the first song, By The Daylight, I was hooked.
So this is one of those Bandcamp discoveries of an artist who has already been around for quite a while. I have learned that he is from Montreal, Quebec (Canada) and he had a band called Majical Cloudz which of course I will be checking out very soon as well.
Now these songs are a bit slower than what I usually listen to and I am surprised by how well they keep me interested with my highly-limited attention span. Welsh´s voice really is hypnotic and goes to show just what sincerity in music can do. There is very little here but powerful lyrics, an incredibly expressive voice and sparce acoustic accompaniment.
Check this one out!
I will include one more song here and you can find the rest of the album Dream Songs on Bandcamp.
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