Breathe - Dan Bern

Dan Bern caught my attention when I used to go to the public library and take out CD´s  to discover new music and copy stuff I knew and liked but didn´t own.    I found a couple of Dan Bern albums and I realized that he was a great songwriter.    I recommend giving his stuff, especially the older material, a good listen.   He has some gems.   However,   my favorite song by far has to be Breathe.   It says a lot of deep stuff for a pop song and reminds me a lot of Taoist philosophy.     

If you want more of Mr. Bern I would then recommend, New American Language, from the album of the same name.    The things he says about love in this ring so true for me that I can´t help but laugh.      

Finally, one more to get you going, I will recommend God Said No.     This song really captures well the idealism we all harbor somewhere in the back of our mind thinking "If I were in charge things would be different.    I would make things right."    It exposed our human, easily-corrupted side but in a very innocent way, sung in the first person Bern is laughing at his own shortcomings and it makes me like him even more.    

You want more Dan Bern?     Just ask Mr. Google.


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