Coldplay - Don´t Panic

People just love to hate Coldplay, which I understand.    Like U2 and other supergroups of our time they seem to be jammed down our throats by a music industry bent on forcefeeding us whatever they think that we will buy.  Also, Coldplay has a pretty mainstream sound that is easy to get tired of.    However, I remember discovering Don´t Panic on a sampler CD that came with a music magazine way back in the day when I still bought music magazines and nobody knew the band.  It is off Coldplay´s first album, Parchutes, which came out in 2000.   While preparing this post I discovered that Coldplay really doesn´t like this album and have publicly stated, "We know that's terrible music".   Well I beg to disagree.    Coldplay´s first two albums, Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head, are my favorites and I lost interest in them after hearing  their third album X & Y.  However, Don´t Panic, besides being the phrase printed on the front of The Hitchhiker´s Guide to the Galaxy 

one of my favorite books ever, is a very dark song and was the least commerically successful of the singles of the first album.    It´s another one of those "get with it and enjoy life because you know you´re gonna die" songs that I love so much.   Here is  a short example of the llyrics.

Bones sinking like stones
All that we've fought for
Homes, places we've grown
All of us are done for
We live in a beautiful world
Yeah we do
Yeah we do
We live in a beautiful world




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