SHT Musik - OLD SHT a complete guide

First of all, here is my Bandcamp site where most of my music can be found.   The SHT in SHT Musik stands for Stupid Human Tricks a recurring segment on the old David Lettermen Show.  So, I am a stupid human and here are my tricks.

OLD SHT I (Demos & Stuff)

The album OLD SHT I (Demos & Stuff) is a compilation of old demo songs that I have recorded over the years.    The recordings of these songs are as good as they will probably ever get.    However,   I think a lot of these songs have some nice moments and/or lyrics and so I have posted them for your listening pleasure.   All lyrics are on the Bandcamp site.

The tracks on the album:

Addiction (Figured Out)
I have been working for years to overcome my addictions to food and drugs and even patterns of thought. I have been pretty successful but it has been an extremely long and winding road. The shotgun line in the song  comes from Ol´Kurt Cobain who I think about a lot since he is the rock and roll martyr of my generation. He was another victim of addiction. But besides the typical junkies and alcoholics many "normal" people today are addicted to processed foods, soft drinks, etc. We suffer from cancer, obesity and a million other things because of all the garbage that goes into our bodies every day. And there are companies out there working to try to make us consume as much of their product as possible, whether it´s healthy or not. So this song is for ALL the addicts out there.

Desire & Passion
This song is based on the old Buddhist idea of desire being the root of all human suffering. The other half of this song is about passion which I usually think of as a good thing. Here, however, I am referring to being overly passionate, getting too excited about stuff. You gotta keep a cool head. And I believe that this goes for the good as well as the bad.

 Gay Bi Curious
PLEASE: I don´t mean to offend anyone with the use of the word "faggot". This is simply the way of  thinking of the protagonist of this song (not my own).

This song was written many years ago and I am so happy to see that the US supreme court has finally ruled in favor of same-sex marriage. I hope that this will help more Americans realize that homosexuality is not a crime or a disorder that needs to be cured.

G.I. Joe Boys
Why ask why?
I believe that individuals create meaning for their own lives. When girlfriends have talked of love I have had a hard time taking them seriously because love is a word that means something different to each individual making it an almost useless term. 

 Hedonist Agnostic
This one is pretty self explanatory.

I am a hedonist. My life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification. Even those who help others receive self satisfaction for their efforts. Is anyone really selfless?

I am (partially) an agnostic, a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience. However, I might not be certain about anything but I sure do have a ton of theories about the big questions so I have a hard time labelling myself 100% agnostic.

I Dare You
"I Dare You!" by William Danforth is a motivational classic. If you want to be inspired, read this little book.

"I DARE YOU is for the daring few who are headed somewhere. Those afraid to Dare might as well pass it up. It will weary the lazy because it calls for immediate action. It will bore the sophisticated, and amuse the skeptics. It will antagonize others. Some will not ever know what it is all about. It will not be over popular because it calls for courage, swift and daring. But in the eyes of you, one of the priceless few, I trust will come a gleam of battle as you read on. You can be a bigger person than you are and I am going to prove it to you." -adapted from the Author's Preface

In Search Of
Another one of my songs about searching for answers to the meaning of life, the universe and everything. The other idea here is thnking about "joining the show" by making my ideas public in my songs or in other ways. Do I have anything original to say? Probably not. However, I am so grateful to all the incredible artists who have shared their work with the world that I feel I owe it to them to offer up my humble creations in the hopes that others might find them of value.

Jesus Is Coming
Make of this song  what you want.

Jesus loves me
Jesus is inside me
All make way the king is here
Jesus is coming

Muse Sick Festive All
True story. I went to a music festival in Spain with a friend, his girlfriend and my blind date. The music was pretty bad. We were pretty out of it the whole time and the enterntainment that I remember most was Santiago Segura´s early gore movies, specifically one called Perturbado.  

Singers were screamers
They all played a lot
The climax was constant
And therefore was not

Too loud, too many notes!
Nicotine addiction. The hardest drug I´ve ever had to kick.  Thank the gods that I´ve been off that vile weed for years!

Yet another, "What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? Why do I do the things I do?" song. I agree with what Adrew Byrd says in his song Imitosis: "We are all basically alone."
Being born into the right family sure can be helpful but working hard and sticking with things, being organized, etc. are all also necessary if you want to be truly successful.   Go ahead and wish upon that star but if you wait for things to come to you without working yourself you are probably setting yourself up to be disappointed.
Written around the time of the war in Iraq. I really like the "what would Jesus do?" question because I witnessed so much hypocricy in my deeply Catholic upbringing. So would Jesus tell the poor they are lazy and need to get a job? Who would Jesus bomb? I really like a lot of the Christian ideals even though I´ll never be a Christian. I have similar feelings about the US government and what happened with the war in Iraq. Yeah, they liberated the shit out of that country, didn´t they? As I say in the song, "Empires rise, empires fall."



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