Jenny Owen Youngs - What the Fu&k Was I Thinking?

This song appears in the first episode of the second season of the Showtime series Weeds.   If you are a music lover then I recommend this series just for all the cool songs you can discover watching but that is going to be a different post.   Anyway,  Fuck Was I  comes on at the very end of the episode and fits the plot perfectly.    Of course it fits a multitude of situations in my life as well and I find myself singing the song many times as I ask myself just what the fuck I was thinking.

Now these lyrics are dark and some of the best that I have found in a simple pop song.  It´s a great anti-love song.

Love grows in me like a tumor
Parasite bent on devouring its host
I'm developing my sense of humor
Till I can laugh at my heart between your teeth
Till I can laugh at my face beneath your feet

Yeah, this is the painful love I am most familiar with.   So if love is so painful why do I keep going back to it?  Well Youngs explains:

Skillet on the stove
It's such a temptation
Maybe I'll be the lucky one that doesn't get burnt
What the fuck was I thinking?  

Yes, we think that we are going to be special, "the lucky one that doesn´t get burnt".   All this bad stuff might happen to other people but it won´t happen to us.     Yeah, right!

This song also contains one of my favorite lines of all time: "I´ve got more give than a bale of hay."   For a country boy who grew up baling hay this line just cracks me up.   Great work Jenny!!!




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