Air Traffic Controller - Hurry Hurry

Air Traffic Controller is an indie pop band from Boston, Massachusetts.   The song that I am recommending is Hurry Hurry which describes pretty accurately how a lot of us feel always hurrying through our lives.  Here is a taste of some of the lyrics: 

And on my way to seize the day, I start to think
Did I leave something on the counter by the sink?
Check my pockets, never mind
Hurry, hurry there's no time

And on it goes:

I hurried when I should've been in the zone
I hurried my loved ones off the phone
I hurried through sex, I know, I know
I hurried my quiet time alone

 The song comes from the album NORDO(2012).  

You can listen to and buy the song  on Bandcamp.   (Hello fellow Bandcamper.)  




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