Marta Altesa - Badass Bassist

OK, I am bumming around YouTube and I stumble across this chick playing some badass bass.      I don´t usually enjoy watching musicians perform that much.    Sometimes guitar face can get to be downright painful to watch but this woman is burning it up and just watching her makes you want to dance or at least move in your seat a bit, bob your head, feel the music.   So my hat is off to Marta.    I am sure that she will be very successful in the world of music even if she never becomes a household name.    You can really tell when someone is doing what they love.

Here she is playing a Jamiroquai song.  It isn´t really a cover in my opinion.   It´s more like karaoke with her playing over the bass part.   Anyway, it is as fun to watch as it is funky.

Jamiroquai - Time Won't Wait [Bass Cover]


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